The Lovely Miss T {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area}

Miss T was a delight to work with.  She was very quiet but possessed  a wonderful confidence.  We enjoyed beautiful weather and an overall great photo session.  I wish her all the best as she begins a new chapter.  Here is the lovely Miss T.


The Lovely Miss T {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area}

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Listening to music, reading

Do you plan to attend college after graduation? If so, where?

Yes, Del Mar

What career are you thinking about pursuing?


What is your favorite class?    


The Lovely Miss T {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area}

What extra-curricular activities have you been involved with at school?

What will you miss most about high school?

All my friends

What would you tell someone who is about to be a Senior

Have fun, experience as much as you can.

The Lovely Miss T {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area}

A few questions just for fun:

Favorite color?


Pets? Names and kinds?

Dog- Ashley, Cat- Gideon

The Lovely Miss T {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area}

      “I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your    

                         opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.” – Anonymous

Meet Mr D {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area}

The last couple of months of school are so busy for everyone, but especially seniors.  After running an ad for people to nominate a deserving RFHS senior and receiving some great nominees, Mr D (along with Miss A) was selected as one of the winners.  He is a very kind and talented young man.  Lots of smiles and laughs! We had a great photo shoot.  Enjoy not only his pictures but a bit of Q and A.

What is your favorite high school memory?

Having a drum battle with the West Oso drum-line at the last home football game of the season.

Do you eat in the cafeteria and if so, what is your favorite cafeteria food?

I like the spicy chicken burger and the pizza every now and then.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy listening to music and playing the drums.

Meet Mr D {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area

Do you plan to attend college after graduation?  If so, where?

Yes, I plan on attending Texas A&M Kingsville.

What career are you thinking about pursuing?


What is your favorite class?

PALs (Peer Assistance and Leadership)

Meet Mr D {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area

What extra-curricular activities have you been involved in?

I am in Band, German club, Business Professionals of America, PALs, and I am part of the UIL Accounting Team.

What is the longest you have ever studied for an exam?

About 3 hours.

What will you miss most about high school?

Being around my friends.

Meet Mr D {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area

What is your favorite memory of all time-school related of course?

Getting to play with shaving cream on the desks in elementary.

Who has had the biggest impact on your life?

My family.

What would you tell someone who is about to be a Senior?

Enjoy every minute of it because before you know it you will be walking the stage.

Meet Mr D {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area

What is something you wished you had done differently in High School?

That I had spent more time with my friends.

Here are a few “just for fun” questions:

What would you do with a million dollars?

Donate about a quarter of it to multiple charities, donate some to the high school, put most of it in savings, then spoil my parents a little bit.

What is your favorite song/band right now?

The King/Fearless by For Today

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

Nothing is stopping you from doing what makes you happy.”

Favorite color?

Red and blue.

Pets? Names and kinds?

Two German Shepards: Ehron and Sandy

One Ferret named Tara.

Meet Mr D {Senior Photography~Rockport, Texas area

Thank you so much Mr D.  I enjoyed watching you drum at church and then we had a blast as we found some awesome spots around Rockport.  May you succeed at everything you put your hand to.